Kompong Khleang Floating Village, Kampong Khleang, Cambodia
The Kompong Khleang Floating Village of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
Kompong Khleang is the largest of the floating villages on the floodplains of the Tonlé Sap Lake and has a lost in time feel that I have been returning to and photographing for over 10 years now.
The resilience of the villagers is something to behold; their capacity to survive the extreme hydrology of the Tonle Sap Lake, the ever present threat of climate change and the destruction of the diverse ecosystems that provides their livelihoods by the onslaught of hydroelectric dams.
These images of Kompong Khleang were taken during the dry season when transportation by ground is possible. During the rainy season when the lake swells travel is limited to boats as most of what you see is submerged.
Needless to say children string jumping is a dry season activity.